Installation techniques for fiber optics

Installation techniques for fiber optics
Photo by Mika Baumeister / Unsplash

The installation of fiber optic networks requires special techniques and expertise. Here are some of the common methods and steps used in Germany:

Planning and approval: Thorough planning is required before installation begins. This includes assessing the existing infrastructure, drawing up construction plans and obtaining the necessary permits from local authorities

Laying the fiber optic cables: There are various methods for laying fiber optic cables:

Buried installation: Fiber optic cables are laid in trenches dug along roads or sidewalks. This method is expensive but very reliable

Microtrenching: A less invasive method of cutting narrow trenches in sidewalks or streets. This technique is faster and causes less disruption

Aerial installation: Fiber optic cables are attached to existing electricity or telephone poles. This method is cheaper, but more susceptible to environmental influences

Connection to buildings: The fiber optic cables must be routed into the buildings. This can be done through existing pipes or by drilling new holes

Splicing and testing: The fiber optic cables are spliced to ensure a continuous connection. The connections are then tested to ensure that they meet the required standards

Commissioning and maintenance: After installation, the network is commissioned and regularly maintained to ensure optimum performance